Left: Primrose Fitzgerald and Christine Right: Barbara Walsh and Duncan |
On New Year's Eve 1952 a future genealogist was born. Duncan was about two weeks older and never let me forget it. The picture was taken about a month later, but I think this was about as close to a "newborn" picture as you might have gotten back then. Oddly I just noticed the picture on the wall. It's a repro of a
Wanda Gag lithograph chock-a-block full of cats. The print hangs in my house to this day. My future as an ailurophile was portended.
Thankfully my mother was a packrat. I found this tidbit as well:
The day I was born just happened to be the birthday of my grandfather Harry W. Rogers, who had passed away the previous February. Another interesting coincidence I think. A New Year's Eve birthday...well any holiday birthday...is not ideal in the mind of a young child. Today I look at it as a fresh start in every way for the new year. Happy New Years!